The 2024 Gulf Coast Prizes

We are now accepting entries for the 2025 Gulf Coast Prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry.

SUBMISISONS OPEN: March 12-April 30

Judges: Rachel Heng (Fiction), Wei Tchou (Nonfiction), Tarfia Faizullah (Poetry)

Entries for the Gulf Coast Prizes in Fiction and Nonfiction should be a single prose work not exceeding 7,000 words. Entrants for the Gulf Coast Prize in Poetry may submit up to five poems not exceeding 10 total pages in length. We only accept submissions via Submittable. Entrants may submit more than once or in more than one genre, but each new entry must be accompanied by a separate $26 entry fee.

Contest Guidelines

  • Click here for online submissions accepted via Gulf Coast’s Submittable 
  • Submit your work as a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
  • Only previously unpublished work will be considered.
  • The contest will be judged blindly, so please do not include your cover letter, your name, or any contact information in the uploaded document. This information should only be pasted in the “Comments” field in Submittable.
  • Submittable accepts all major credit cards for the $26 entry fee, which includes a one-year subscription to Gulf Coast.